5 New Gear Releases You Should Know

It is a boom time not only for gears but also for music. People are expressing themselves through new sounds and reaching out to new audiences. Genres are fading as titles like "guitarist" and "engineer" give way to a more fluid understanding of what's possible when creators have access to the right tools.
For the past few years, people have embraced musical equipment like never before. Some began playing an instrument for the first time, discovering a creative outlet that would last forever. Music lessons became more popular as casual players delved deeper into their instruments. Long-time musicians honed their skills and improved their equipment. Drummers embraced e-kits for quiet home practice only to discover what magic comes with the latest generation of electronic drums. And musicians of all genres witnessed the miracle of home recording, fueling a boom in affordable studio gear from industry legends.
So, now and then, new music products are introduced. The gear manufacturing industry is growing at a fast pace, and exciting new equipment is always on the horizon. This June, several products flooded the market, and we filtered a few valuable products that would interest you. Here, check out the five best new gear releases.
1.Roland Jupiter4
Roland has a rich history of producing innovative instruments for classic synthesizers. With Jupiter 4 model debuted in 1978, it ushered in the classic era of polyphonic synthesizers. There hasn't been a good software emulation to give modern musicians access to its powerful analog sound until now. That is why the release of Roland's plugin edition excites many producers. If you adore the distinct sound of classic Roland, the Jupiter 4 should be a must on your shopping list.
2.AKAI MPC Key 61
With the MPC Key 61, AKAI brings the most recent upd ate to their genre-defining MPC series in decades. It features MPC-style sampling and sequencing, a premium keyboard, and a se t of player-oriented software plugins. You'll still get the hardware brand's signature responsive pads and inspiring sampling workflow. If you avoided previous MPCs because they were too beat-oriented, the MPC Key 61 could be your ticket into the series!
3 Softube Wasted Space
When we talk of lo-fi, the tape isn't the only medium that contributes to the lived-in sound of vintage recordings. Early digital reverb devices, in fact, played a critical role in the era's production styles. These low-cost hardware units were not known for realism or fidelity. However, they are remarkable for their punchy, aggressive sound. Wasted Space presented by Softube promises to bring extreme digital lo-fi textures to your DAW, complete with bit reduction for that authentic 80s tone.
4. Pigtronix Star Eater
In 2022, there will be more boutique fuzz pedals with unique ways to distort your signal. The latest is from Pigtronix, based in New York City, whose Star Eater fuzz promises a versatile combination of drive, boost, and filtering suitable for any instrument. The Star Eater has a space-age feel that matches its supermassive sound, with toggles for EQ and transistor voicing, as well controls as labeled "hunger."
5. Error Instruments Loopman Field Player
Finally, for tape purists who refuse to accept emulations, the Error Instruments Loopman Field Player provides true cassette playback in a small portable package. The Loopman Field Player, which has the form factor of a walkman, accepts CV signals for controlling functions such as tape speed. This means that any cassette can be converted into a playable voice in a modular synth rig or hardware setup. When you add a tape loop to the mix, you're in experimental music heaven!
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Musicians love gears! They are a great source of inspiration. Add these instruments with great features if you want to expand your collection. UNION Recording Studio , a professional recording studio offers several musical services and also updates and connects you to the music world on various fronts. For more updates on the music industry, connect with us .